Electoral District | Candidate Name | Political Party | Pledge Signed | |
Abbotsford South | Bruce Banman | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Abbotsford South | Sarah Kooner | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Abbotsford South | Amandeep Singh | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Abbotsford West | Korky Neufeld | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Abbotsford West | Graeme Hutchison | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Abbotsford West | James Davison | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Abbotsford-Mission | Reann Gasper | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Abbotsford-Mission | Pam Alexis | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Boundary-Similkameen | Kevin Eastwood | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Boundary-Similkameen | Donegal Wilson | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Boundary-Similkameen | Roly Russell | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Boundary-Similkameen | Sean Taylor | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Bulkley Valley-Stikine | Gamlakyeltxw Wilhelm Marsden | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Bulkley Valley-Stikine | Sharon L. Hartwell | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Bulkley Valley-Stikine | Nathan Cullen | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby Centre | Dharam Kajal | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Burnaby Centre | Anne Kang | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby East | Tara Shushtarian | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby East | Simon Chandler | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Burnaby East | Reah Arora | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby North | Michael Wu | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Burnaby North | Janet Routledge | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby North | Martin Kendell | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby South-Metrotown | Carrie McLaren | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby South-Metrotown | Han Lee | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Burnaby South-Metrotown | Paul Choi | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby South-Metrotown | Meiling Chia | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Burnaby South-Metrotown | MichaelAngelo Abc RobinHood | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Burnaby-New Westminster | Deepak Suri | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Burnaby-New Westminster | Raj Chouhan | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Burnaby-New Westminster | Daniel Kofi Ampong | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Cariboo-Chilcotin | Lorne Doerkson | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Cariboo-Chilcotin | Michael Moses | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Chilliwack North | Tim Cooper | BC Green Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Chilliwack North | Heather Maahs | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Chilliwack North | Dan Coulter | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Chilliwack North | Dan Grice | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Chilliwack-Cultus Lake | A'aliya Warbus | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Chilliwack-Cultus Lake | Kelli Paddon | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Columbia River-Revelstoke | Calvin Beauchesne | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Columbia River-Revelstoke | Scott McInnis | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Columbia River-Revelstoke | Andrea Dunlop | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Coquitlam-Burke Mountain | Stephen Frolek | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Coquitlam-Burke Mountain | Jodie Wickens | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Coquitlam-Maillardville | Nicola Spurling | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Coquitlam-Maillardville | Hamed Najafi | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Coquitlam-Maillardville | Jennifer Blatherwick | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Coquitlam-Maillardville | Ken Holowanky | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Courtenay-Comox | Arzeena Hamir | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Courtenay-Comox | Brennan Day | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Courtenay-Comox | Ronna-Rae Leonard | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Courtenay-Comox | Devin Howell | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Courtenay-Comox | John Hedican | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Cowichan Valley | Cammy Lockwood | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Cowichan Valley | John Koury | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Cowichan Valley | Debra Toporowski | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Cowichan Valley | Eden Haythornthwaite | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Cowichan Valley | Jon Coleman | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Delta North | Nick Dickinson-Wilde | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Delta North | Raj Veauli | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Delta North | Ravi Kahlon | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Delta North | Manqoosh Khan | Freedom Party of BC | Yes | Say Thank You |
Delta South | Ian Paton | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Delta South | Jason McCormick | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Esquimalt-Colwood | Camille Currie | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Esquimalt-Colwood | John Wilson | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Esquimalt-Colwood | Darlene Rotchford | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Fraser-Nicola | Jonah Timms | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Fraser-Nicola | Tony Luck | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Fraser-Nicola | Francyne Joe | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Juan de Fuca-Malahat | David Evans | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Juan de Fuca-Malahat | Marina Sapozhnikov | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Juan de Fuca-Malahat | Dana Lajeunesse | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kamloops Centre | Randy Sunderman | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kamloops Centre | Peter Milobar | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Kamloops Centre | Kamal Grewal | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kamloops-North Thompson | Tristan Cavers | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kamloops-North Thompson | Ward Stamer | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Kamloops-North Thompson | Maddi Genn | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kelowna Centre | Bryce Tippe | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kelowna Centre | Kristina Loewen | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Kelowna Centre | Loyal Wooldridge | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kelowna Centre | Michael Humer | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream | Andrew Rose | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream | Tara Armstrong | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream | Anna Warwick Sears | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream | Kevin Kraft | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kelowna-Mission | Billy Young | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kelowna-Mission | Gavin Dew | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Kelowna-Mission | Harpreet Badohal | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Kelowna-Mission | Alexandra Wright | Unaffiliated | No | Ask To Sign |
Kelowna-Mission | Ashley Ramsay | Unaffiliated | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay Central | Nicole Charlwood | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay Central | Kelly Vandenberghe | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay Central | Brittny Anderson | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay Central | Corinne Mori | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay-Monashee | Donovan Cavers | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay-Monashee | Glen Byle | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Kootenay-Monashee | Steve Morissette | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay-Rockies | Kerri Wall | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay-Rockies | Pete Davis | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Kootenay-Rockies | Sam Atwal | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Kootenay-Rockies | Tom Shypitka | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Ladysmith-Oceanside | Laura Ferreira | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Ladysmith-Oceanside | Brett Fee | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Ladysmith-Oceanside | Stephanie Higginson | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Ladysmith-Oceanside | Adam Walker | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langford-Highlands | Erin Cassels | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langford-Highlands | Mike Harris | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Langford-Highlands | Ravi Parmar | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langley-Abbotsford | Melissa Snazell | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langley-Abbotsford | Harman Bhangu | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Langley-Abbotsford | John Aldag | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langley-Abbotsford | Alex Joehl | Libertarian | No | Ask To Sign |
Langley-Abbotsford | Karen Long | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Langley-Abbotsford | Shelly Jan | No | Ask To Sign | |
Langley-Walnut Grove | Rylee Mac Lean | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langley-Walnut Grove | Misty Van Popta | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Langley-Walnut Grove | Megan Dykeman | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langley-Walnut Grove | Carlos Suarez Rubio | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Langley-Willowbrook | Petrina Arnason | BC Green Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Langley-Willowbrook | Jody Toor | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Langley-Willowbrook | Andrew Mercier | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Maple Ridge East | Kylee Williams | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Maple Ridge East | Lawrence Mok | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Maple Ridge East | Bob D'Eith | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows | Mike Morden | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows | Lisa Beare | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Mid Island-Pacific Rim | Ross Reid | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Mid Island-Pacific Rim | Adam Hayduk | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Mid Island-Pacific Rim | Josie Osborne | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Nanaimo-Gabriola Island | Shirley Lambrecht | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Nanaimo-Gabriola Island | Dale Parker | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Nanaimo-Gabriola Island | Sheila Malcolmson | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Nanaimo-Gabriola Island | Viraat Thammanna | Unaffiliated | No | Ask To Sign |
Nanaimo-Lantzville | Lia Versaevel | BC Green Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Nanaimo-Lantzville | Gwen O'Mahony | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Nanaimo-Lantzville | George Anderson | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Nechako Lakes | Douglas Gook | BC Green Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Nechako Lakes | John Rustad | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Nechako Lakes | Murphy Abraham | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
New Westminster-Coquitlam | Maureen Curran | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
New Westminster-Coquitlam | Ndellie Massey | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
New Westminster-Coquitlam | Jennifer Whiteside | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
North Coast-Haida Gwaii | Christopher Jason Sankey | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
North Coast-Haida Gwaii | Tamara Davidson | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
North Island | Nic Dedeluk | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
North Island | Anna Kindy | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
North Island | Michele Babchuk | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
North Vancouver-Lonsdale | David Splett | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
North Vancouver-Lonsdale | Bowinn Ma | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
North Vancouver-Seymour | Subhadarshi Tripathy | BC Green Party | No | Ask To Sign |
North Vancouver-Seymour | Sam Chandola | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
North Vancouver-Seymour | Susie Chant | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
North Vancouver-Seymour | Mitchell Baker | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Oak Bay-Gordon Head | Lisa Gunderson | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Oak Bay-Gordon Head | Stephen Andrew | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Oak Bay-Gordon Head | Diana Gibson | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Peace River North | Jordan Kealy | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Peace River North | Ian McMahon | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Peace River North | Dan Davies | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Peace River South | Larry Neufeld | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Peace River South | Marshall Bigsby | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Peace River South | Mike Bernier | Unaffiliated | No | Ask To Sign |
Penticton-Summerland | Bradley Bartsch | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Penticton-Summerland | Amelia Boultbee | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Penticton-Summerland | Tina Lee | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Penticton-Summerland | Anna Paddon | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Penticton-Summerland | Roger Harrington | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Penticton-Summerland | Tracy St Claire | Unaffiliated | Yes | Say Thank You |
Port Coquitlam | Adam Bremner-Akins | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Port Coquitlam | Keenan Adams | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Port Coquitlam | Mike Farnworth | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Port Coquitlam | Lewis Dahlby | Libertarian | No | Ask To Sign |
Port Moody-Burquitlam | Samantha Agtarap | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Port Moody-Burquitlam | Kerry van Aswegen | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Port Moody-Burquitlam | Rick Glumac | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Powell River-Sunshine Coast | Chris Hergesheimer | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Powell River-Sunshine Coast | Chris Moore | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Powell River-Sunshine Coast | Randene Neill | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Powell River-Sunshine Coast | Greg Reid | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Prince George-Mackenzie | James Steidle | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Prince George-Mackenzie | Kiel Giddens | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Prince George-Mackenzie | Shar McCrory | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Prince George-Mackenzie | Rachael Weber | Unaffiliated | No | Ask To Sign |
Prince George-North Cariboo | Randy Thompson | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Prince George-North Cariboo | Sheldon Clare | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Prince George-North Cariboo | Denice Bardua | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Prince George-North Cariboo | Coralee Oakes | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Prince George-Valemount | Gwen Johansson | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Prince George-Valemount | Rosalyn Bird | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Prince George-Valemount | Clay Pountney | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Richmond Centre | Hon Chan | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond Centre | Henry Yao | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond Centre | Dickens Cheung | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond Centre | Sunny Ho | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond Centre | Wendy Yuan | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond-Bridgeport | Tamás Revóczi | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Richmond-Bridgeport | Teresa Wat | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond-Bridgeport | Linda Li | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond-Bridgeport | Charlie Smith | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond-Bridgeport | Glynnis Hoi Sum Chan | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond-Queensborough | Steve Kooner | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond-Queensborough | Aman Singh | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Richmond-Queensborough | Cindy Wu | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Richmond-Queensborough | Errol E. Povah | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Richmond-Steveston | Elodie Vaudandaine | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Richmond-Steveston | Michelle Mollineaux | Conservative Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Richmond-Steveston | Kelly Greene | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Richmond-Steveston | Jackie Lee | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Saanich North and the Islands | Rob Botterell | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Saanich North and the Islands | David Busch | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Saanich North and the Islands | Sarah Riddell | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Saanich North and the Islands | Amy Haysom | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Saanich South | Ned Taylor | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Saanich South | Adam Kubel | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Saanich South | Lana Popham | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Salmon Arm-Shuswap | Jed Wiebe | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Salmon Arm-Shuswap | David L. Williams | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Salmon Arm-Shuswap | Sylvia Lindgren | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Salmon Arm-Shuswap | Greg McCune | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Salmon Arm-Shuswap | Sherry Roy | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Skeena | Teri Young | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Skeena | Claire Rattée | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Skeena | Sarah Zimmerman | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey City Centre | Colin Boyd | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey City Centre | Zeeshan Wahla | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey City Centre | Amna Shah | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey City Centre | Saeed Naguib | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey North | Sim Sandhu | BC Green Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey North | Mandeep Dhaliwal | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey North | Rachna Singh | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey North | Hobby Nijjar | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey North | Kiran Hundal | Freedom Party of BC | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey South | Brent Chapman | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey South | Haroon Ghaffar | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Cloverdale | Pat McCutcheon | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Cloverdale | Elenore Sturko | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Cloverdale | Mike Starchuk | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Cloverdale | Judy Meilleur | Freedom Party of BC | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Fleetwood | Tim Binnema | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Fleetwood | Avtar Gill | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Fleetwood | Jagrup Brar | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Guildford | Manjeet Singh Sahota | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Guildford | Honveer Singh Randhawa | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Guildford | Garry Begg | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Guildford | Kabir Qurban | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Newton | Tegjot Bal | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Newton | Jessie Sunner | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Newton | Amrit Birring | Freedom Party of BC | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Newton | Japreet Lehal | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Newton | Joginder Singh Randhawa | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Panorama | Bryan Tepper | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Panorama | Jinny Sims | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Panorama | Dupinder Saran | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Panorama | Paramjit Rai | Freedom Party of BC | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Serpentine River | Linda Hepner | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-Serpentine River | Baltej Singh Dhillon | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Surrey-Serpentine River | Jim McMurtry | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-White Rock | Trevor Halford | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-White Rock | Darryl Walker | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Surrey-White Rock | Damyn Tassie | Libertarian | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Fraserview | Francoise Raunet | BC Green Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Fraserview | Jag S Sanghera | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Fraserview | George Chow | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Hastings | Bridget Burns | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Hastings | Jacob Burdge | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Hastings | Niki Sharma | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Hastings | Zsolt Kiss | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Kensington | Amy Fox | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Kensington | Syed Mohsin | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Kensington | Mable Elmore | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Langara | Scottford Price | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Langara | Bryan Breguet | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Langara | Sunita Dhir | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Little Mountain | Wendy Hayko | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Little Mountain | John Coupar | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Little Mountain | Christine Boyle | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Point Grey | Devyani Singh | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Point Grey | Paul Ratchford | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Point Grey | David Eby | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Quilchena | Michael Barkusky | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Quilchena | Dallas Brodie | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Quilchena | Callista Ryan | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Quilchena | Caroline Ying-Mei Wang | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Renfrew | Lawrence Taylor | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Renfrew | Tom Ikonomou | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Renfrew | Adrian Dix | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-South Granville | Adam Hawk | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-South Granville | Aron Lageri | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-South Granville | Brenda L Bailey | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Strathcona | Simon de Weerdt | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Strathcona | Scott Muller | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Strathcona | Joan Phillip | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-West End | Eoin O'Dwyer | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-West End | Jon Ellacott | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-West End | Spencer Chandra Herbert | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-West End | Carl Turnbull | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Yaletown | Dana-Lyn Mackenzie | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vancouver-Yaletown | Melissa De Genova | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vancouver-Yaletown | Terry Yung | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vernon-Lumby | Dennis Giesbrecht | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Vernon-Lumby | Harwinder Sandhu | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vernon-Lumby | Kevin Acton | Independent | Yes | Say Thank You |
Vernon-Lumby | Robert Johnson | Libertarian | No | Ask To Sign |
Victoria-Beacon Hill | Sonia Furstenau | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Victoria-Beacon Hill | Tim Thielmann | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Victoria-Beacon Hill | Grace Lore | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
Victoria-Swan Lake | Christina Winter | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
Victoria-Swan Lake | Tim Taylor | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
Victoria-Swan Lake | Nina Krieger | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
West Kelowna-Peachland | Macklin McCall | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
West Kelowna-Peachland | Krystal Smith | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |
West Kelowna-Peachland | Stephen Johnston | Unaffiliated | No | Ask To Sign |
West Vancouver-Capilano | Archie Kaario | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
West Vancouver-Capilano | Lynne Block | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
West Vancouver-Capilano | Sara Eftekhar | BC NDP | No | Ask To Sign |
West Vancouver-Capilano | Jaclyn Aubichon | Unaffiliated | No | Ask To Sign |
West Vancouver-Capilano | Karin Kirkpatrick | Independent | No | Ask To Sign |
West Vancouver-Sea to Sky | Jeremy Valeriote | BC Green Party | Yes | Say Thank You |
West Vancouver-Sea to Sky | Yuri Fulmer | Conservative Party | No | Ask To Sign |
West Vancouver-Sea to Sky | Jen Ford | BC NDP | Yes | Say Thank You |